Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Criteria for Heaven: Just?

One thing Christians love to say is that Jesus is the only way, hence John 14:16 where Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me."   One might see this as shere arrogance devoid of compassion, but Christians would then explain the whole Adam and Eve story which in itself has a lot of holes.  But today, I am going to focus on the immorality of this belief system.  Apparently, all you need to do to get into heaven is believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and rose from the grave, which in essence is accepting Jesus as your Savior, and having a relationship with god.  It is not about what kind of life you lived.  It's all about stroking a god's ego.  It says that I could spend my life swindling money from the elderly, the infirmed, and the poverty-stricken, and all I have to do is accept Jesus as my savior and I will get into heaven.  But if I spent my days working to improve the quality of life for the elderly, the infirmed, and the poverty-stricken,but I did not accept Jesus as my savior, I will go to hell.  I don't find that as just and neither do a lot of people.  But unfortunately, there also a lot of people who find it to be just.  It is so ingrained into their psyches, that when Carlton Pearson, once famous televangelist, changed his views on hell, he became a pariah to the church community.  To say that this is just is to stick your head in the sand and close your eyes to reality.  Reality is that there are people who have been born and died never hearing of Jesus Christ.  Reality is that there are people like me who were once Christian,suffered intolerably, left the belief behind, and are thriving as a result.  Reality is that there are people who just don't want to live forever at all.  Maybe one day, people will come to these realizations and either reassess their ideology, or trash it.

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