Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Born Deserving of Punishment

Maybe it is because I was exposed to fundamentalist Christianity, however, the idea is reprehensible.  It is an idea that denigrates little children and is an absolute slap in the face of the undeniable fact that in most cases, children are more forgiving than us adults.  The idea is that children are born deserving of hell, not for what they could have possibly done, but because of what their two ancestors Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden.  For the fundamentalist, this is just because it is the work of their god  (Yahweh, Jehovah, El Elyon, God) , who is according to them just and wise.  For those of us who are not tied to the religion, we should realize the utter depravity in this idea.  What kind of a loving and just being punishes children for the misdeeds of their ancestors?  I cannot think of one. And interestingly, in spite of this denigrating concept, these Christians are more than likely pro life people.  That's right.  They not only say that your children are born worthy of hell, but they are also fighting so that you can never have an abortion.  Just in case you wanted to dispatch your future baby to heaven before he or she can screw up and be condemned.  Parents, if you taught your children that they were born deserving of your wrath, do you believe for one second that you would get away with that?  No. Child Protective Services would rightfully deem you an unfit parent and take your children away from you.  So in conclusion, let me say that if this belief is true, it then reflects poorly on the creator of this plan.  It says that the creator is not secure in itself, so it must make its creations flawed in order for the creator to feel better about himself.  How interesting and pitiful.

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