Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Kim Davis's Not So Heroic Stand

Lately, Kim Davis' refusal to administer marriage licenses to same sex couples has brewed up a storm of controversy.  There are fundamentalists on her side who are saying that she is just exercising her religious freedom.  It does not help that she has the likes of Mike Huckabee and Franklin Graham on her side saying that we should be a nation under "God's law".  When they talk about "god", they are talking about the god of the desert.  You know.  The one whose most famous pick up line is "have a relationship with me or burn for eternity".
Usually, I can remain calm, but with all this support she is getting from the religious right is starting to enrage me.  Not because they are right.  But because what they stand for.  These Christian groups and individuals are hypocrites.  They claim that they are for religious freedoms, yet all the while wanting to Christianize America.  As someone who went to a private school for 8 years, I know all too well about how those with power will go so far as to infuse history with lies and Christian propaganda.
Christians  love to purport that this is a nation under "god".  However that is not true.  The "nation under god" segment of the pledge of allegiance was added in the midst of the Cold War.  That Cold War contained a lot of propaganda where anything that was not considered American was considered Communist and associated with Russia, things like (atheism, homosexuality, anti-capitalism).
When the Founding Fathers ratified the First Amendment, it was not so Christians could behave as the elitist bullies they had been for centuries.  It was to prevent the witch trials, Inquisitions, and persecutions that many faiths suffered under for centuries. If you want to know what Christian theology without pagan influence would be like, here's a clue:

No Halloween
No Christmas
No birthdays
6 work days and 1 day of incumbent worship
Authoritarian rule
Having children being a mandate, not an option
No freedom to explore spirituality

This is a portion of what Christianity would like in its raw form.

Kim Davis, you are not a hero for the Christian faith.  You are a woman who should have relinquish her responsibilities.  You may be under your god's law, but I personally am not, and should not be treated as though I am.  You are not a modern Civil Rights leader for Christianity.  You are the former governor George Wallace who literally blocked the door to the Foster Auditorium of the University of Alabama to keep two black students from enrolling.  You are the superintendent who chose to shut down the public schools rather than allow one black student to attend a predominately white school.  You are not Ruby Bridges.  You are every teacher who refused to teach Ruby because of the color of her skin.  You are not for human rights.  You are for the right to be a Christian bigot.

1 comment:

  1. Yes but it takes a different type of 'Special Intellect' to comprehend this. :-)
