Tuesday, August 11, 2015

An Abrahamic Religious Parents' Worries

When many parents hear that their child is happier and find more peace of mind after discarding a childhood religion, it may be hard to take, but the parent marvels that their child is happier.  Unfortunately, that's not the case when the parent is of the Abrahamic religions and strongly adhere to the dogma. The latter parent's concern is whether or not their child will do Yahweh's will one day.  If one is looking for a reason to say that the Abrahamic religions are pro slavery, one needs to look no further than this.
The Abrahamic religious parent is more concerned with their child doing someone else's will as opposed to being happy.  It does not matter if the child wants to do it.  All that matters is that the child is obedient and submissive.  Last time I checked, slavery is the condition in which one person is owned as property by another and is under the owner's control, especially in involuntary servitude.
Let me paint you a scenario to illustrate my point.  A pimp with money, power, and political connections approaches you to try to persuade you to enlist your 15-year-old straight-A, happy
daughter to be his hooker. He has enough money to bribe you, and enough power and connections to cost you your job, your reputation, and even your life.  Would you give over your daughter to this man?  Most parents would say no, and do whatever it takes to protect their child from this monster.  However with Yahweh, for the religious parents, there is no refusal.  It is total compliance.
When I was a believer, I remember atheism being demonized, and for the time I bought into it.  I remember in private school, non Christians were demonized, however it was atheism that received the worst denigration.  I remember that  Madalyn Murray-Ohair was the poster child of atheism.
Once I left Christianity and Nation Of Islam, and threw out the idea of Yahweh, I understood why. Atheism poses a threat because it liberates people from blind submission.  It causes people to become uncontrollable.  In atheism, there is more potential to progress the world in the right direction.  In atheism, people get to make their own choices and choose their own purposes.  It is quite antithetical with the Abrahamic religions whose main rule is, "Do what you're told, regardless of what's right and wrong,"
For those who think that I am just blowing smoke up your asses, consider the story of Abraham. Yahweh told Abraham to sacrifice his son. Even though Yahweh was just testing Abraham's obedience, and even sent an angel to stop Abraham, one cannot ignore that the experience scarred Isaac, like it would any child.  For his obedience, regardless of the cost, Yahweh blessed Abraham with many descendants.  Most parents would, and should, be appalled at the idea of killing their  child, and thank heavens our society frowns upon that.
Back to my topic, I find it hypocritical that people of the Abrahamic religions desire freedom, and when someone finds freedom outside of religion, the religious people tell nonbeliever, "You must/need to/ought to/should/will submit."  I am dealing with this with my mother, who is a Nation Of Islam member. When I asked, "Why must I submit?", the response was because Allah (same monster of the desert as Yahweh, just different name) had power over my life.
Sorry, but might does not make right with me.  Even if Allah was to show himself to me, he may get my acknowledgement, but he would not get my respect. I don't respect people or things that use their power to torture people or extort people for favors.  If you cannot earn someone's respect without harming anyone or anything, then you don't deserve respect.  I'm not one of Ms. Honey's students, and I don't submit to the Agatha Trunchbull theory of "I'm big; you're little.  I'm smart; you're dumb.  I'm right; you're wrong, and there is nothing you can do about it."

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