Monday, June 20, 2016


So today, I will be tackling the still controversial issue of abortion.  Though, first I would like to say thank you to the late Reverend Jerry Falwell and his calvary for refusing to surrender after the Roe vs. Wade decision in 1973.  Now, here are some reasons why pro-lifers would say that abortion is wrong.
1.  Abortion offends god (in this case, Yahweh).
    If an action offends god, then the action is wrong.
    Therefore, abortion is wrong.

This is not sound because this is the same god who gets offended by people eating pork and shellfish.  However no one is about to shut down Long John Silver and Arby's just yet.  Also, this implies that everyone is a Christian, or adhere to the Abrahamic theology.  That is not the case for everyone.  I am personally not a Christian, or Jew, or Muslim.  Therefore, to tell the people who are not Christian, or Jew or Muslim that an action that their doing offends god, it's like one of my neighbors saying to me, "My mother is going to be pissed if you sleep tonight."  I will sleep soundly under my covers.

2.  Abortion punishes innocent people.
     If an action punishes innocent people, then the action is wrong.
     Therefore, abortion is wrong.

Usually, this argument follows the rationale that abortion is punishing the fetus for the parents' irresponsibility.  Unfortunately, when said parents go through with the pregnancy, the child still ends up suffering. There are parents who think that video clips of their children being 4-year-old pottymouths, trash talking, and shooting guns are funny.  These images are on the Internet, and will actually come back to haunt the children for years to come.  Thus, the children will be punished for their parents' gross incompetence.

3.  Abortion can harm women.
    All actions that can harm women are wrong.
    Therefore,  abortion is wrong.

It seems sound, however there is an event that all mothers to be must undergo in order to become mothers-childbirth.  Childbirth is very painful.  If you want an idea of how painful childbirth is, have a kidney stone, and imagine that pain persisting for 8-18 hours.  Not to mention, in certain countries like Peru, there are girls as young as nine giving birth. That is some excruciating pain for a child to endure to bring life in the world at the risk of the little girl dying.  Therefore, if we wish to say that all actions that can harm women are wrong, then we must add childbirth to that list of actions.

4.  Abortion kills fetuses.
     Fetuses are human beings.
     Therefore, abortion kills human beings.

It would be unsound to consider a fetus a human being.  Because unlike human beings, fetuses cannot feel.  Fetuses are unable to learn different languages.  Fetuses cannot learn.  Fetuses cannot form a culture.  Fetuses cannot become bipedal.  Fetuses will never have sex, let alone be able have sex in any season.  Because fetuses are unable to perform these human actions, fetuses are not human.

5. Abortion creates new problems.
    All actions that create new problems are wrong.
    Therefore, abortion is wrong.

This is definitely not sound.  Do you know what else causes new problems?  Parenthood.  When you become a parent, you have more challenges than ever before.  You thought you were broke when you were 21 in your own apartment?  You're definitely broke now that you have a child.  After all, it costs over $240,000 to raise a child for 18 years.  You thought you were a butterball when you were 24?  Being a parent to even one child will cause you to gain weight, and if you're not careful, that weight will become more and more.  You did not have time to take a nap when you were younger?  You definitely do not have time now.  And that's just raising a baby.  Wait until your child(ren) become teenager(s).  For many parents, raising teenagers have them on their knees praying for strength, and for parent patients.  Therefore, this argument is not sound.

Friday, June 17, 2016

My Project

First, I would like to thank Dr. Nobis for giving me this undertaking in light of the callous sermons and speeches given by Rev. Steven Anderson and Rev. Roger Jimenes in the wake of the Orlando shooting.  I will take eight of the arguments against homosexuality and assess whether or not they are sound.  When I talk about homosexuality, I will be talking about the sexual and relationship component.

Homosexuality is anti procreation.
If it is anti procreation, then it is wrong.
Therefore, homosexuality is wrong.

Anti procreation, in this case, seems to mean that  it does not result in reproduction.  Would one suggest that oral sex, which is enjoyed by both homosexuals and heterosexuals is wrong because it cannot reproduce.  A lot of of people would object to that because oral sex is very pleasurable, even among heterosexuals.  Also, there are couples who love sex, and are either unable to have children or just don't want children.  For these couples that are heterosexual, it would be outlandish and absurd to say that they are wrong for having sex without reproduction being the result.

Here's another argument:
Homosexuality does not offer the stability of a traditional family.
All relationships that do not offer the stability of a traditional family is wrong.
Therefore, homosexuality is wrong.

Today, the so called traditional families are rare.  There are more single parents raising households.  However, just because a family does not fit the cookie cutter traditional family model does not necessarily mean that it is wrong.  Also, the traditional family does not always mean perfect.  The John List family murder is an example of that.  Also, when couples have children, a number of those couples end up divorcing in the future and divorce hurts the stability.  Therefore, it is not sound.

Homosexuality is not condoned in the Bible.
All actions that are not condoned in the Bible are wrong.
Therefore, homosexuality is wrong.

True, homosexuality is not condoned in the Bible; however filicide is condoned.  Yes, if your child is rebellious, the Bible says that the child is worthy of death.  The Bible also condones rape victims, if they're single, marrying their attackers.  The Bible requires interpretation and to try to follow it literally is the surest way to madness.

Homosexuals have a shortened life span.
If an act results in a shortened life span, then it is wrong.
Therefore, homosexuality is wrong.

It is not sound because studies show that TV viewers have a shortened life span.  However, not too many people are getting rid of their TV sets.  Not even Christians who love to watch The 700 Club and old reruns of Praise the Lord with Paul and Jan Crouch.  Also, people who eat red meat have a shortened life span.  However, the bulk of the population is not willing to stop eating hamburgers and meatlovers pizza.

Homosexuality injures the fabric of society.
If an act injures the fabric of society, then it is wrong.
Therefore, homosexuality is wrong.

This is not sound for this same argument was and is still in some circles, used to debate interracial marriages.  The idea is that if we condone relationships that are not monogamous heterosexual relationships, then society would breakdown.  However, this is unlikely because in ancient China, there were monogamous heterosexual relationships, and even homosexual relationships.  Yet, China thrived during this period.

Homosexuality is dangerously unhealthy.
Any action that is dangerously unhealthy is wrong.
Therefore, homosexuality is wrong.

This is not sound because there are people who love Little Debbie snacks, I'm a pastry person and a 90s baby.  I love Pop Tarts, Honeybuns, bear claws, chocolate cake, and even cookies; although I'm very strict about not eating them often.  It's not healthy, but to call it wrong would be extreme.

Homosexuality is not genetic.
All actions that are not genetic are wrong.
Therefore, homosexuality is wrong.

This is not  sound because of two reasons: 1.  There is phenomena in our everyday life that is not genetic, but they are not wrong. 2.  There is phenomena that is genetic, but before we can say that it's permissible, there must be a provided that clause.  Example of number one: I am left handed, yet both of my parents are right handed.  When I was growing up, someone had suggested to my mother to beat me and make me write with my right hand.  I can only be glad that my mother had enough sense not to do that.  Being left handed for me is not genetic, as far as my parents go,but that does not make it wrong.  Example two, there are mental illnesses with a genetic component, such as borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia.  While we must treat those with mental illnesses with much care and compassion, it is required that they take their medication in order to abate the symptoms and maintain clear thinking.

Homosexuality is unnatural.
If it is unnatural, then it is wrong.
Therefore, homosexuality is wrong.

This is not sound because there are a lot of things that are not natural such as toilets, refrigerators, clothing, etc.  Also, medications are not natural.  If we were to adhere to this argument, then we would have live like early humankind: defacating behind a tree, heaven forbid you wipe your butt with poison ivy, at odds with one another and all the other animals, and the only essential source of survival is fire.  Those who have Type 1 diabetes, letting nature take its course, would die from either diabetic ketoacidosis or kidney failure.  Therefore, I doubt that we are willing to say that our modern day conveniences and amenities are wrong.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A Time to Step Down

I have not put out any secular posts since the Kim Davis event.  However, certain events in the wake of the horrible carnage of 49 patrons of the gay club in Orlando has motivated me to do this blog.  Pastor Steven Anderson and Pastor Roger Jimenez decided to use this tragedy to score brownie points for their depraved interpretation of the Bible and go as far to say that the killings were justified because according to them, the victims were sodomites (gays), and according to Steven Anderson, pedophiles.  Now, Steven Anderson's assertion is absolutely erroneous.  However, according to both of these men, the carnage was justified because in the Old Testament, killing people who engaged in homosexual sex was obligatory.  Their main idea of this tragedy "killing all the right people" is very similar to a 1987 episode of Designing Women where Imogene Salinger made the remark that AIDS was "killing all the right people".

Now, I could go into detail about how the Old Testament had a problem with mixing fabrics, eating pork, eating shellfish, etc., but I will leave that to other bloggers to do so if they wish.  What I am going to say is that it is time for fundamentalist Christianity to step down off of their high horse as being the pinnacle of morality and being the true form of Christianity.  Enough of your leaders have too many times, used horrible tragedies to finger point, blame the victims or blame the leftwingers and say, "Now don't you think it's time to come back to Yahweh and the conservative Christian life?"  While the supposed "evil" world reacted with compassion and understanding in times of tragedy, you all love to rub salt into people's wounds, and level condemnation: like Jerry Falwell did the day after 9/11 when he said that the lesbians, gays, feminists, abortionists, secularists, ACLU, and People for the American Way contributed to the 9/ll attacks; like Pat Robertson did in the days after a grievous earthquake ravaged Haiti in 2010 when he claimed that the Haitians had made a pact with the devil for independence, and that is why the Haitians deal with poverty and a devastating earthquake.

Allow me to say that while we don't interpret the Old Testament literally, or wish to follow it literally, we are better off because of it.  We are better off not following the writings of desert wandering barbarians who had to kill others in order to somewhat create a somewhat thriving civilization of its own.  If we really followed that part of the Bible, feminism would still be a fleeting thought for women.  Rape victims would be forced to marry their attackers.  Women on their periods would be subject to much indignity as they would have to announce when they are on their rag and as they would have to be avoided.  Slavery would still be a practice. Killing someone for being another religion would be condoned.  Everyone would be forced to observe the Sabbath under the penalty of death.

Given that many secularists (atheists, agnostics, secular humanists),  many other Christians, many Buddhists, etc. have proven to exude more dignity, compassion, and humanity time and time again while you have decided to resort to denigration and promoting escapism, it is time that fundamentalist Christianity realizes that it is not all that and a bag of chips; and it is actually the religion of modern Pharisees whose sepulchres are clean on the outside and filthy on the inside.  And if that does not drive the point home, maybe this parody will.